Gays Will Ruin the Sanctity of Marriage

Over the last year especially, marriage equality has been at the forefront of global social advancements with major governments and political systems (namely majority Europe, New Zealand and all US states) legalising the long-awaited and fundamental change. In Australia particularly, the same-sex marriage debate is still strong and present – a surprisingly slow and upsetting response when 64% of the population have already expressed being for the change. Currently, between 5-10% of the population cannot get married due to being a member of the LGBTI+ community in a same-sex relationship – that’s approximately 2million people who are denied human rights in Australia.

To reinforce just how exclusive the sanctity of marriage is, a fresh program will hit our television screens tonight (Tuesday 15 March) called Seven Year Switch. Condemned in the US and marketed as a program to “shock Australia”, Seven’s new Tuesday 9pm slot-filler sees four heterosexual couples on the verge of a break-up to put their marriages to the test by matching them with single, “compatible” strangers for two weeks each. This controversial program is not only giving the term “radical” a bad reputation but is extremely immoral and offensive. With news breaking hours before its launch tonight, four separate online petitions to prevent or ban it have already picked up momentum.

This desperate attempt at yet another reality television program that “divides viewers” will unfortunately and undoubtedly smash ratings due to both intrigue and the social (online and offline) rage already peaking across digital networks.

Marketers of the program have “ensured” that arrangements have been made to shield couples from future emotional distress by employing two consistent psychologists on the program that are available to the individuals daily if necessary; also the balance of entertainment and duty of care was established for any children a part of any of these couples lives. However, this just seems like a hush-hush to authorities that “no one will be harmed in the making of this”. No one can guarantee that the children of these couples won’t be affected. “Oh honey, it’s okay, sometimes mummy and daddy spend two weeks with other mummies and daddies – it’s normal for healthy relationships”. Yes, great messaging. I’m not against polyamory* or any other relationship one wishes to engage in however, a program and its entire creative team promoting a situation in which couples who are involved/dating/married are made available to cheat… that’s not an educative or in any way positive tool for children to take away from something. Not only will the children involved in the show itself be made aware of this “normalcy” but any impressionable young mind on the other side of the silver screen has access to these notions.

Even the psychologists say “this ‘switch therapy’ is not something I would ever recommend”.

Now you’re probably thinking, okay, despite your passion for the arts and tearing things down, what is your real edge here? Why is this pissing you off so much?

Well, as a member of the LGBT+ community, I am someone fighting for my rights to one day marry someone that I love because currently, I am ”not allowed” to do this. To have something as sacred and aspirational to me as marriage flaunted in front of my face as a test or trial, to have relationships as easy as a “switch” portrayed on television just sickens me wholeheartedly. There are people who are facing a legal battle to simply be able to marry the person they love and here this team of creative are, flaunting in our face how disposable the concept is to those who have it.

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